Why Hire Remote Staff in LATAM?

Why Hire Remote Staff in LATAM?

A brief introduction…

Almost 8 years ago, Aurora, Juanma, and I started this remote talent and work adventure called Interfell. I remember that in the beginning, we had serious identity issues; we didn’t know if it was teletrabajo, trabajo remoto, or trabajo a distancia. Even on many occasions, recalling the beloved Colombian comedian Andrés López, we would talk about “Remote Work” in a Spanglish that is still part of our lives. Even though our operations are primarily in Spanish, the use of English department names, such as Business Development or Talent Acquisition, serves as confirmation.

The fact is that, at that time, remote work was a utopia, and today, at least in the world of information technology, it has become the norm. Obviously, the pandemic had an impact on the adoption of this way of working and the development of tools that enable it. However, I write these lines proudly explaining that, long before COVID-19, we were already exporting remote talent from Venezuela to other countries in the Latin American region. I fondly remember how we promoted the development, sales, marketing, and support of Ticopays, an electronic invoicing software in Costa Rica, by establishing “on-demand” talent teams as the company needed them. Thus, for years, we have been promoting this work modality and Latin American talent as our flag.


Remote work statistics are only increasing:

  • 16% of companies are already 100% remote.

  • Remote work has grown by 91% in the last 10 years.

  • 97% of employees want their work to be at least hybrid in the future.

  • 74% of professionals expect remote work to become the new normal.

  • and surely countless more statistics…

There is no need to delve deeper into the transformation that remote work has brought, as its impact has been so significant that it transcends being just a revolution. However, I want to open the door to explain why, based on our proven experience, hiring talent in Latin America is confirmed as a very positive option for companies worldwide.


Why hire remote talent from Latin America?


Global Advantages:

  • Latin America as an emerging center of talent in information technology and access to skilled professionals.
  • The growth and evolution of education in information technology (IT) in Latin America has been remarkable over the last decade. Educational institutions and governments in the region have recognized the importance of training skilled professionals in this field, given the growing global demand for specialized talent and the crucial role technology plays in the modern economy. As a result, academic programs have been created and strengthened in universities and technical training centers, offering a wide variety of careers ranging from software development to artificial intelligence, data analytics, and information security. Additionally, numerous non-traditional initiatives, such as programming bootcamps and online courses, have been promoted, providing low-cost training opportunities for talent in the region.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The average salaries in the region are attractive to companies.
  • The situation in the United States: As a global leader in technology, the United States offers the most competitive salaries in the IT sector. Professionals in this region typically earn substantially higher incomes compared to their peers in Latin America. For example, a software developer in the United States could earn between $100,000 and $150,000 annually, while in Latin America, the salary for a professional in the same position could range from $30,000 to $60,000 annually.
  • The situation in Europe: Salaries in the IT sector in Europe also tend to be higher than in Latin America, although not as much as in the United States. A software developer in Europe could earn between $50,000 and $100,000 annually, depending on the country and the professional’s experience. In comparison, a professional with similar skills in Latin America could receive a lower remuneration, as mentioned above. While many European companies prefer to outsource to Eastern Europe, the Latin American market is very attractive to Spain and Portugal due to cultural proximity and salary differences, making it more appealing to international companies looking to reduce costs without sacrificing work quality.


The inherent advantages of remote work

  • Savings on infrastructure and operating expenses: It probably doesn’t need to be emphasized, but I’ll still ask the question: how much money does a company save without offices?
  • Cultural diversity and innovative approaches: Having people from different countries, cultures, and ways of thinking undoubtedly enriches the decision-making process and allows for different perspectives, making it easier to solve complex problems.
  • Customer support coverage in different time zones: With global companies and global products, we have global users. By having personnel in different time zones around the world, it is possible to ensure a 24/7 support model.

Specific advantages for companies in the United States and Canada.

The similarity in time zones facilitates real-time communication and collaboration between remote teams, allowing for more efficient coordination and quick problem resolution. Additionally, the cultural proximity between Latin America and the United States fosters greater understanding and connection between employees, which translates into better adaptation to work dynamics, smoother communication, and a greater ability to address the needs and expectations of clients in both regions.


Advantages for Spanish companies

Spanish companies can benefit from hiring Latin American talent in various aspects, such as accessing a wide pool of Spanish-speaking talent, which facilitates communication and collaboration in projects. In addition, hiring in Latin America offers a much wider range of professionals, around 450 million Spanish-speaking people in the region compared to 47 million in Spain, which increases opportunities to find highly skilled specialists in the IT sector. Finally, this strategy not only allows Spanish companies to take advantage of offshoring to reduce costs and increase efficiency but also creates a solid foundation for expanding into the Latin American market with products and services developed in Spain.

Convinced? Some recommendations for doing it effectively:

Beyond the typical best practices of selection processes, such as successfully identifying skills and competencies, carrying out standardised selection processes to avoid hiring based on affinity, using scorecards and other recommended practices, it is advisable for companies hiring for the first time in the region to work with partners or hiring platforms such as Interfell, GetonBoard or TopTal.

  • Qualified talent selection: Hiring platforms focus on evaluating and selecting highly qualified candidates with specific skills, ensuring that companies find suitable professionals for their needs.
  • Optimized hiring processes: These platforms simplify and streamline the hiring process by providing search tools, filters, and algorithms that facilitate the identification of suitable candidates. Additionally, they often offer flexible hiring options, such as project-based or long-term contracts, allowing hiring to be tailored to each company’s specific needs.
  • Onboarding facilitation: Specialized hiring platforms often offer resources and tools for new employees to effectively integrate into their teams. This can include onboarding guides, online training, and support in managing labour documentation.
  • Facilitating team adaptation: By using specialized platforms, companies can access communication and collaboration tools that facilitate interaction between remote employees and their teams. These tools can include videoconferencing systems, chat, and project management, allowing for smooth communication and effective collaboration despite the distance.

After talking to more than 15,000 professionals and facilitating over 1700 remote work opportunities in the region, I can affirm that Latin American talent in the IT sector has proven to be a valuable option for international companies looking to expand their teams remotely. Thanks to a constantly growing and evolving technology education, attractive labour costs, and unique advantages in remote work, the region is positioned as an emerging talent centre.


If you are ready to explore our Salary Guide, please download it at this link. 


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