ePayco built 30+ developer team with 66% less staffing time

ePayco built 30+ developer team with 66% less staffing time

Remote Staffing has proven to be a very profitable practice. This is demonstrated by the service agreement that ePayco and Interfell established almost a year ago and that we present today as a success story, reducing hiring times by 66%.


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ePayco is a Colombian fintech company founded in 2011, dedicated to processing online financial transactions that enable individuals and businesses to make payments, collections, and revenues in a fast, secure, and friendly way.

A platform that supports online payments through all credit cards, savings and checking accounts, Banco Davivienda financial instruments, cash, and SafetyPay, operations easily integrated through SDKs, or mobile applications solutions in different programming languages and databases.

 The rapid growth of ePayco's operations led to escalation challenges when finding and hiring qualified developers. This circumstance and the need to respond quickly to the business needs, increased their talent acquisition and recruiting needs, setting the scene for the partnership with Interfell.

For us, the commitment was clear: to respond to ePayco's needs, take on their objective as our own, face their challenges, and provide them with the best solutions we could be capable of.


EPayco's Goal 

Consolidate as Colombia's most important online payment gateway and collection portal and, in the medium term as the leading e-commerce platform in Latin America.


The Challenges 

1) Help ePayco to build highly competent remote work teams with high  skills in programming, database administration, and SDK management in the shortest time possible

2) Support ePayco for new market expansion and personnel recruitment outside Colombia.

3) Advise ePayco regarding remote talent payments within the country and facilitate all logistics for managing payments outside the country.

4) Follow up on all remote talent hired.


Solutions Provided 

1) We locate, screen, and share profiles to facilitate their selection and evaluation process: "The hiring times have been substantially decreased, reducing a process from 3 months to less than a month."

2) We support remote talent hiring in Colombia and other countries in LATAM: "Thanks to the Know-How of our recruiters and our large talent pool, we made the best remote talent available to ePayco in the shortest time possible"

3) We support them with compliance in Colombia and payroll payments in LATAM. Our Payroll service has been very suitable for ePayco, especially for the issue of payments with talents located outside of Colombia: “Interfell's experience in managing payments in different countries of the region allowed ePayco to overcome restrictions derived from local laws”

4) We made constant followup to the contractors hired, keeping track of their performance and satisfaction: “Thanks to our Talent Support department, we constantly monitor talents, obtaining key information about productivity and perception of their well-being ”.



Marco Antonio Beltrán Bustos, ePayco Product Manager

"For us, the relationship with Interfell has been very positive. We have significantly improved hiring times, going from a 3-month process to less than a month", "getting talent we require to develop the solutions that our partners and customers expect".

"Also, thanks to this alliance, we have been able to identify key employees and develop their skills for direct hires, which represents having a better-qualified team and allowing those talents to grow within the company in the long term."

“Interfell’s support has allowed ePayco’s team to grow by about 150 employees” 

Andrea Pérez Rivas, Interfell Senior Business Developer 

"EPayco is a Colombian fintech company that needed urgent support to locate qualified staff since they had exponential growth and couldn’t get the number of collaborators they required.".

"They needed to work on different integrations and projects to be compatible with their different clients, in technologies such as JavaScript.js, Vue.js, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, MySQL, Twig-Symfony, Laravel." "In addition to also need designers to help with visual parts and QA Analysts who will perform tests and ensure the systems functioning."

"A high demand for personnel that would be difficult to satisfy without external support, especially for hiring developers outside Colombia, as ePayco was not aware of the processes for acquiring and managing remotely located contractors, which undoubtedly represented a handicap for the company".


The Results 

1) ePayco has undoubtedly established itself as the most important online payment gateway and collection portal in Colombia.

2) ePayco has grown significantly in the last year, reaching close to 150 employees on the payroll, of which more than 20% have been selected and hired through our staffing service in 12 months.

3) ePayco is currently in the process of expanding into new markets, specifically Peru, and it has already started the processes of selection and hiring of remote talent in that country through Interfell.

As for future expectations, we just can say that they are very encouraging:

ePayco will continue to grow in Colombia, expanding its operations to neighboring countries. All this with a clear vision of achieving the company's goal of becoming the leading online payment gateway and collection portal in Latin America, an effort that Interfell hopes to continue being part of.


If you want to know more about our Staffing, Recruiting, Payroll, and Accounting services, you can schedule a call HERE 




Remote Work, Fintech, Online Payments, Staffing, Payroll